The FTC has provided the Court with two expert declarations demonstrating that Defendants' product claims are false and lack scientific basis. First, there is no practical or theoretical basis for the claims that Super FuelMAX acts through magnetic resonance to fracture hydrocarbon chains in fuel. The FTC has consulted with William P. Halperin, Ph.D., director of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Central Facility at Northwestern University for the past 29 years. (See PX 2.) Dr. Halperin states that Super FuelMAX does not generate any type of magnetic resonance, but rather only a magnetic field. (Id. 11.) Dr. Halperin further states that the magnetic field generated by the device is incapable of altering the molecular structure of any compound, including gasoline. (Id. qI 13-15, 17.) Dr. Halperin concludes that the well-accepted laws of physics are incompatible with the claims made for the devices. (Id. 'j( 11 .)Credem că nu mai este nimic de comentat... De unde au scos bazele ştiinţifice cei de la institultul de invaţamânt superior tehnic de la noi nu avem cum ştii. Dar ne este clar că pe undeva rigoarea inginerească s-a pierdut... Chiar să nu îşi făcut loc în mintea celui care a semnat îndeplinirea temei contractuale că asemenea dispozitive, dacă ar face ceea ce zic producătorii lor că fac, ar fi prezente în primul rând la bordul maşinilor de curse? Acolo se luptă pentru fiecare militru de combustibil economist, acolo se fac artificii inginereşti spectaculoase pentru a câştiga un surplus foarte mic de putere...
Moreover, even if it were hypothetically possible for the devices to fracture hydrocarbon chains, increased fuel economy would not result. The FTC has consulted with Kenneth Brezinsky, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an expert in fuel combustion. (See PX 3.) Dr. Brezinsky states that "introduction of such supplemental fuel fragments in the fuel cylinder of a vehicle . would not increase the combustion efficiency or fuel economy of that vehicle." (Id. 'j[ 10.) In fact, even if the devices could hypothetically increase fuel economy, Dr. Brezinsky states that Super FuelMAX could, at best, cause merely a 1.5% increase in fuel economy given that modem engines already achieve 95-98% combustion efficiency. (Id. ¶ I 14-15.) Therefore, according to Dr. Brezinsky, the claim that Super FuelMAX could cause a 27% improvement in gas mileage "contradict[s] what is known about combustion efficiency and cannot be accurate under basic scientific principles."
Dr. Brezinsky also explains that there is no scientific basis for the claim that FuelMAX or Super FuelMAX can reduce the emissions of a typical vehicle. (PX 3 fi 16-19.) In fact, Dr. Brezinsky concludes that automobile emissions could be expected to increase if some of the claims made by Defendants were true.
Emisiunea a fost difuzată de către postul TvRM în ziua de 13 noiembrie 2010.
Cronica scepticului - episodul 112
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